Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Whew! Day 1

I went shopping yesterday and it wasn't even $100! A lot of the things I bought I knew would last me a while.
I was willing to spend the $100 to get me started, but spent $56.59. I don't know how long it will last me, but I know the chia seeds will last a long time, and I bought so many nuts they should last a while if I'm careful on serving sizes and eat only what my body needs. They also swell up in size when you soak them.

My supper lastnight consisted of a large bowl of salad- romaine, green leaf, red leaf, kale, italian parsley, green bell peppers cucumber, carrot and sunflower seeds. I also had a small bowl of chia seed jell and a small handful of blueberries. I thought to take a picture after I already ate part of it and the blueberries.

I'll admit it didn't fill me up. I ended up eating most of a mango, some raisins, 2 brazil nuts, and a couple slices of cucumber later cause I ended up getting a huge craving for greasy buttery biscuits. what? why would that happen when I havn't had one in months? Strange I tell you. Those brazil nuts tasted so good, so I believe my craving was for fats. And I felt completely satisfied after that.
I made my husband some spagetti. I also told him I bought a bunch of produce and it's to be eaten so he can eat it if he wants, just leave me some. So we'll see if I end up having to go shopping again. Which I won't mind.
 I didn't buy much fruits this time though cause I figured I work most of the day, and maybe I'll be eating something there, and my husband doesn't usually eat fruit unless I prepare it for him, so, I figured enough for 1 maybe 2 people for about a week though I can't imagine it lasting that long.
I did stock up on greens and some veggies. Thats a huge pitcher of lemon juice and water. no sugar- you can come taste it if you don't believe me. I sweetened some with honey earlier, and it's not bad. I figure honey even though not completely raw cause it doesn't say so on the bottle is fine even if it's a form of sugar, cause it helps with alergies and such. and yes, thats ranch. I figure if I absolutely cannot eat my salad cause I'm sick of it, a little ranch won't hurt me cause I'll still be eating my greens. I'm not ambitious enough to make my own vinegrette yet.
All the nuts and seeds and dates, and raisins and nutritional yeast I bought. all this was the most expensive part of my bill. $35.19 to be exact before tax. Chia seeds (the big 7 cup jar on the far left) costing me $9.66 was the most expensive. That stuff stretches far though. It about triples in size when fully jelled up. And is so good, and nutritious!

I am so proud of my purchases and am excited to find out nutritional yeast really does sorta resemble a cheese flavor! That's precisly why I bought it! I HAD to try it out! I'm scared of it though cause I've read warnings on not consuming too much. I figure about 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons a day would be ok if I absolutely had to consume that much until I find more info on it! I am curious to try a recipe for raw popcorn. I guess it has the crunch of popped popcorn, with cauliflower, and nutritional yeast and other spices give it popcorn flavor.

So many recipes I so badly want to try out!
I figure, every day I'll update you on my meals from the day before and how I feel from them.

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