Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day #8: Totally Raw

I woke up with a gurgly stomache, a headache, and feeling gross. I guess that bowl of ice cream didn't sit with me well. I'm also gassy. I do believe I'm lactose intolerant. And since the headache started a few hours after I ate beef, I'm thinking I can't eat beef either.

Breakfast: 1 leaf kale, 1 leaf romaine, 5 cherry tomatoes, 2 grapefruit, vitamin, Tylonal, water
Lunch: Chia seed jell, cucumbers, carrots, cherry tomatoes, roma tomato, raw cookies, sunflower seeds.
Supper: Leftover night. Chickpea salad, brazilnuts, walnuts, cucumber, and grapefruit.
I was still full from lunch so I wasn't very hungry for much. I trully feel raw food healed my headache. Call me weird if you want, but I do. Only cause Tylonal usually doesn't work. I still felt the lingering effects of a headache all day, and felt sleepy and even tried to take a nap.

For some reason, I was craving pizza at about 6PM. I'm thinking the headache today triggered it. Only cause whenever I have a headache, we get pizza. But I also wonder if it's the fats I'm needing. I guess I'll never know. Pizza just sounded good.

Next, I'm going to try raw vegan. In other words, I can have all I want if it doesn't include meat, sugar, or dairy.

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