Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 2

I started off the day with a sip of lemonade and figured the lemons were not the freshest from my tree. So I dumped it all out. Makes sense since I picked them a couple weeks ago and they sat on the counter the whole time. They still looked fresh, but I learned my lesson. I then had some chia seed jell, cucumbers, and celery.
Surprisingly, I still felt full from the night before. So I fugured I'd go light until I felt hungry again. I'm really going to have to remember from now on to take a picture of my meals so I can post it. Again , I had already started eating my breakfast and consumed more than 1/2 before I thought of hey I should post a picture!

So sorry, I'll try better today.
I have learned from reading many blogs about green smoothies being the best start to the day, but my blender is crap and slows down it's speed after about 1/2 minute of blending and then it takes about 5-10 minutes after that to get it to finish. So, I'm going to start saving for a Vita Mix Blender.

I was excited cause in the morning my stomach wasn't bloated and I felt I actually had a mostly flat belly!
                    My snack before work was: 1/2 the grapefruit pictured and a banana.
I was starving as usual by lunch. I'm running around so much, and by the time the employees eat, it's almost 2:30. My lunch was cooked cod and greenbeans. It was the best choice I had from there (I could've eaten beef roast, twice baked potato or some chewy looking greasy dried out corn). The picture shows 2 peices of fish, but there were 3 originally. I ate one till my boss left the office cause hey- who takes a picture of their food? I was embarressed. I felt satisfied and full after eating.
                                     Lunch: Cooked Cod and Greenbeans
about 1/2 hour after eating lunch, I felt overstuffed, and I got bloated. We're talking flat stomach to tight pants sorta bloated. I figure it may be from the butter they cooked everything in. I literally had to stand there waiting for most of it to drip off the spoon before I put it on my plate, and you can't see it in the picture very well, but it sparkled with grease.

Supper: Chinese Sesame Chicken and Fried Rice.
I know I know.
Bad choice. But you are looking at my leftovers. (as if that makes it better) I was already feeling full from lunch, and my husband wanted chinese food and the caregivers at work took all the leftovers from supper to themselves so I didn't get supper. You'll notice we got our food to go. those 2 compartments in the back were filled with fried rice. We got an extra box free, so I included it in the picture so you could see what it looked like. the chicken compartment was filled with chicken. As you can see, I ate mostly vegan lastnight. my husband tried the chicken and he liked it, so he'll be eating the leftovers. I felt pukingly full after that. I am not sure why, but I seriously was too full. probably with lunch too.

Well, what did I learn? I will avoid meat for sure for a while. I will move on from yesterday, and move foward. I learned my lesson. I seriously hadn't eaten meat for about 4 days before I started. My stomache seriously was flat yesterday morning, and I experienced bloat yesterday and lastnight. My conclusion is I bloat from meat. Maybe all meats. I don't know. I ate cod, pork(in the rice) and chicken. Maybe from greasy food, I don't really know. And believe it or not, I also had pressure in my head like it was the starts of a migraine. It went away before bed though thankfully.

 So, on I go to day 3: ALL RAW

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