Monday, June 6, 2011

The new raw me

Sarting today, I'm going to try to make mostly raw choices.

    Some of my reasons:
                                   -Hormone inconsistencies            
         -Lack of energy

So, Now begins my new journey.
It feels as if there is now a weight on my shoulders that now I'm seriously going to do this. Am I ready?
I believe so. I really want to do this.

No meat, no dairy, no sugar. What am I going to eat?

Fresh vegetables
Dried vegetables
Fresh fruit
Dried fruit
and anything new I find that will fit my new diet.

I will allow myself cooked veggies and fruit if I want it.
I'm going to try to drink filtered unflouridated water as much as possible.

Will this work for me? Will I see results? I hope so.
Wish me luck!
I start now!

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