Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 5

First of all, I have learned why I am not craving meat at all.
what a great thing to learn! I was so worried I would die from lack of protein only to figure out I have been getting proper protein all along! No wonder my body hasn't been screaming to eat meat!

I woke up happy and well rested even though I only got 7 hours of sleep before the dog got me up.

I have no leftover effects from eating rice the day before. So I am happy to find that out. It's not rice I'm reacting to. and I can have pork juices. I think I'll wait a while till I eat the actual meat though.

It is shocking that I've lived 25 years and I just realized this morning my body doesn't need as much food past 2PM or I feel too full. It's morning's when my body needs food. I must stock up for the day then because I'm always eating till 2PM. Weird. But I just can't stop working to eat while I'm on the clock between 11 and 2 thats why I'm starving then. I'm going to have to think of a high calorie/carbohydrate food to eat before I start work.
I have found a recipe for a raw walnut raisin cookie That doesn't need to be dehydrated so I'll try that this morning.

my sprouts are plumping up: this is after I rinsed them this morning. The cloudy water in the quinoa is the starch and toxins it released. You have to rinse well till the water runs clear before eating them. I soak my sprouts a few minutes each time I rinse them, then drain. I rinse them 2-3 times a day.
While the garbanzo beans will continue till they get tails,
Quinoa sprouts= quinoa raisin cookies
not having a dehydrator proved a challenge, so I came up with my solution:
cookies covered with rack to ward off birds in the sun with a fan.
next, it proved a challenge when ants found it. So, into the house.
Next recipe: Raw walnut raisin cookies:
Dipped in raw almond meal and raw coconut.

In all, I made 16 cookies. (I sampled 1 before the picture)

Breakfast: 1 large leaf kale, 2 leaves red leaf, 1 grapefruit, a vitamin, and water.
 Snack: 1 mango, 2 cookies.
Lunch: Chia seed jell, 2 cookies, cashews, and sunflower seeds
Supper: a little jicama. (I didn't take a picture)
I got home so late last night I was falling asleep, and didn't feel hungry, so I went to bed without finding something to eat.

I felt full all day after eating those cookies. Weird.

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